A playful bit of poetry
I'll have sunshine and starlight
Great gusts of wind a-blowin'
A silently falling summer mist
My feet upon cool earth
I want ease for my day
A clear heart and mind
Love sprinkled on everything
A few moments of silence
Sweetness and sloppy kisses
A puppy by my side
Purring and sideways glances
A cat to keep me humble
Companionship and solace
My mate to hold my hand
Gentleness and compassion
As I look upon the mirror
Oh, did you mean food?
I'll have a bite of garden freshness
Two bits of protein, please
A dollop of something sinful
And a lovely cup of Joe
By Victoria Polmatier on September 1, 2019.
Photo by Author
Exported from Medium on January 2, 2022.