she's a wild one
the hag
no being lead around by the nose
that one
she'll lead you on a merry chase
draw you into the puzzle in your mind
ask you to solve the thing
you've been pondering
she holds the space
locks the door
turns down the lights
sit in wonder
wandering in the liminal spaces
not sure how you got here
but you know
this is the sacred center
of the earth
of your self
of it All
this is the place
where questions and answers are born
sent off into the universe
spinning in their own orbits
landing as dust on a flower
waiting for the pairing once again.
are we the answer or the question
only the Great One knows
dancing free now
letting go of all the old inhibitions
dropping down into your toes
your feet
your legs
feeling the vibrations of life
starting to awaken the answers
be still
let the vibrations move you
first gently
as your hips start to sway
then more insistent
as the dance takes you
what is it you wanted to know she says
what was that burning question
you couldn't wait to hear the answer to
why didn't you listen
why didn't you move when I told you to
why did you wait
forever in the questions
never letting answers
permeate the beauty
of your most wonderful beingness
you are the answer
you are the sun and the moon and the stars
you are the beauty of all creation
you are the one
you know what you have to do.
you know the answer.
a little bit
open your ears
open your mind
let the answer
fall gently on your lips
like the kiss of a small child
alive and honest and innocent
it is all right there
if you just let it be
Photo by Milo Weiler on Unsplash